Monday, August 25, 2008

A "Living the 4th" opportunity

Hey Kaironians!

Just a quick update and an opportunity to live the 4th through prayer. Starting this week, St. Procopius parish is hosting a novena for the feast of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta:

August 27- September 4th
Every day starting at 5:00pm
St. Procopius Chapel
(next door to the church on 18th street in the garden)

Mass on the feast of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Friday, September 5
St. Procopius Church
Racine & 18th Street

If you know of other great opportunities for our Kairos community, email us at northside DOT kairos AT gmail DOT com, and we'll try to post them as often as we can.

Keep the faith; live the fourth.

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