Monday, December 22, 2008

Applications are here!

Thanks to all who came to the annual NS Kairos reunion tonight!

For those who couldn't make it, here are the relevant documents.

Kairos X Leader/Rector Application

Kairos X Retreatant Application

Kairos X Brochure

Find friends who might be good candidates for going on the retreat next year and start talking to them NOW. Give them a brochure, give them an application.

We need leaders and rectors. If you want to be guaranteed an interview for next year's NS Kairos, make sure you turn in an application ASAP. If you have a friend who went on a different Kairos, let them know. We value being an inclusive retreat that draws people from lots of places.

As always, you can email with questions: northside DOT kairos AT gmail DOT com

Monday, August 25, 2008

A "Living the 4th" opportunity

Hey Kaironians!

Just a quick update and an opportunity to live the 4th through prayer. Starting this week, St. Procopius parish is hosting a novena for the feast of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta:

August 27- September 4th
Every day starting at 5:00pm
St. Procopius Chapel
(next door to the church on 18th street in the garden)

Mass on the feast of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Friday, September 5
St. Procopius Church
Racine & 18th Street

If you know of other great opportunities for our Kairos community, email us at northside DOT kairos AT gmail DOT com, and we'll try to post them as often as we can.

Keep the faith; live the fourth.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Welcome home NS Kairos 9 retreatants!

Welcome back to the retreatants, team leaders, rectors and adults from NS Kairos 9! Thank you for your openness and sharing this weekend. Please continue to find ways to keep that spirit alive in your day-to-day lives.

We have a facebook group for Northside Kairos. Please join and keep in touch with your fellow Kaironians. In the coming months, you'll also find information both here and on Facebook about the Christmas reunion, applications for next year, and information for retreatants for NS Kairos X.